1. CASPA Financial Seminar I - The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2018 and Corresponding Planning
CASPA Financial Seminar I - The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2018 and Corresponding Planning Mar. 21, 2018 DESCRIPTION CASPA Financial Seminar (Mar. 21/Wed., 2018 ) at 6:30 p.m. at …时间
Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 6:30 PM地点
2870 Zanker Road #140, San Jose, CA 95134链接
2. 诚邀加州土地投资机会讲座 (March 21, Wed, 2018)
诚邀加州土地投资机会讲座 (March 21, Wed, 2018) 加州的经济,作为一个单一的州,已经挤进全球经济体排名的第五位,非常值得可喜。加州的房地产的增幅在美国50个州是在领衔的位置,再加上圣诞节前夕特…时间
Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 7:00 PM地点
145 South Main Street Ste 145, Milpitas, CA 95035链接
3. Leadership Forum - Lunch with Wilson Xu, former EVP at Palo Alto Networks
Join us on Thursday Mar 22 at HYSTA’s Leadership Forum and lunch with Mr. Wilson Xu, Former Executive Vice President, Palo Alto Networks. Wilson will share his perspective on entrepreneurship and career development with …时间
Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:00 PM地点
Santa Clara, CA链接
4. Blockchain: the New Infrastructure of AI
The Summit will bring together blockchain experts, investors and entrepreneurs in both China and the U.S. to discuss and exchange their knowledges on how to integrate blockchain technology to better serve AI companies. Meanwhil…时间
Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 1:00 PM地点
450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305链接
5. Google Translate助力自然语言理解
注意:场地容量有限,为确保有兴趣的同学能听到我们的讲座,每张门票收取$10,到场的同学会全额退款。 Links: Registration link: http://techm-03-24-2018.eventbrite.com Event link: http://tech-meet...时间
Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 1:30 PM地点
3rd Floor, 4500 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054链接
6. 燕妮形象美学 • 彩妆课
每个女人都与众不同,化妆也需因人而异 彩妆风格:干净,自然,细腻,精致。没有色彩堆砌和明显的化妆痕迹。通过分析肤质,脸型,五官,找出优缺点,把优点放大,不满意的部分利用彩妆进行调整。 ♥ 彩妆课特色: …时间
Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 2:00 PM地点
4320 Stevens Creek Blvd #209, San Jose, CA 95129链接
7. 3.25赤兔单身派对
主办合办了多次单身活动我们,了解单身汪们的需要。 这次, 我们特别在精致的Studio One,给大家带来一个贴心的单身派对。 时间:3/25 周日下午 2-5点 地点:Studio One. 2991 Corvin Dr, Santa Clara …时间
Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 2:00 PM地点
2991 Corvin Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051链接